Official Suggestions Box

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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby Gwynbleidd » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:12 pm

William you have killed everyone, the arena is blank :lol:
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby Knowname » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:29 pm

See here's the thing about healing allies. They can heal for 300! my attacking ally can only hit for 50!! looks unballanced to me. As has been said when your out of SPs and/ or dust bags you might as well just run away (unless your facing an opponent with an attacking ally) as there is NO way your rate of attack can equal the opponents rate of healing. You DO have an advantage, however, in being able to hold potions and dust. This much is true BUT the disparity between attacker and healer, in my opinion is TOO great! In all cases you should at least have a chance to win or it's just not FUN! I've come acrossed guys that I just can't hit, or guys that just have too MUCH HP (and defense/ offense) that I just can't bring them down feasably (I refuse to carry more than 2 fairy dust bags and 1 potion!! at as expensive as they are???) before I am all out of SP. At that time the game ceases being fun and is just impossible. Games should be fun, and not NOT fun. My suggestion is to up the attacking ally so 1 hit would at least do some DAMAGE to an enemy aided by a healing ally. say to 150, half of a devine heal. Then maybe with your attack you can wipe out that healing effect! If you get lucky (critical) you can do a little more :P but it WON'T gaurantee success as the enemy always has SP. It may put you into the same hole, but it at LEAST gives you a fighting chance.
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby BanzaiBob » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:27 pm

I think the problem we have at higher levels is that there is no way to increase our damage output in any meaningfull way. Yes - you can increase your stats but at lvl 52 and with a Guardian mythic blade I get 14 extra points of attck per stat point in str/quick which wont make a dent in another players hp. What we realy need is another grade of weapons for 51+ to keep in line with our levels and defensive abilities. The issue realy is that we need new content but with the game still new Its better to have something that works properly - unlike another developer I could cough-zynga-cough name which releases content all the time but suffers from an insane amount of bugs. Gameplay up to lvl 100 would be great but Im sure we would all be shouting if the game kept crashing, freezing, and generaly messing up so I guess its just a waiting game. On the plus side when we do get new stuff there will be some very grateful (and powerful) players. Top of my wishlist is a shiny new sword - got the polish at the ready - chopy chopy !!!
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby Knowname » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:55 pm

just saw that the dual classes got upped to 10%-10% instead of 8%-8%!... might make it worthwhile. And the mage SP increase when a mage class (not the rate of increase, just the baseline increase) was upped.... aren't they overpowered enough?? I mean seriously.
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby wolfy42 » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:10 am

Gwyn I was trying for awhile there!!! I want to sneak into that #10 spot before I stop moving up the list...I'll be happy there.

I'm glad you get an advantage for dual classing as before it was pretty much better to be one or the other in every situation. It's better defensively to have 15% block when your not attacking and it's better offensively to have 15% extra damage then having 8% wasn't enough of a bonus.

Having 10%/10% though is a nice incentive I think:)

As far as taking out other players I didn't start PvP combat until like 3 days ago.....and I have 481 kills can kill anybody.

I admit there are a few (with a guardian blade, protection item, slayer bonus, high quickness and a ton of hp) that are not really worth the time...but the higher up players are more then happy to take me out even with a guardian blade 10% block bonus from champion, protection item and 100 con.

One final word on balance....I think long term it's not as important as multiple classes are needed. If any class is lacking in my opinion it's the shooters but the damage boost you get from the class is better in some ways the the damage boost from the wizard class (crit bonus is universal for melee and skills).

Finally on the high priestess....I agree there is a problem right now but I don't think reducing the effectiveness of the priestess is the best solution. She is the most expensive ally for a reason. I do agree that the other premium ally's should be pumped up a bit in damage though to offset her healing. The main problem though is that if you make there attacks any stronger it will be overpowered for no skill cost while it is it's already better in many cases then melee attacks against other players.

I think the best solution would be simply to give ally's skill points they use in battle...once an ally runs out of skill points all it can do is normal attacks. Ally skill points regen automatically to full after each battle but the have a fixed amount based on their level and when they are more healing or special attacks.

From there you can balance how many skill points they ally's have (and how much their skills cost to use). That would still allow the high priestess to be very effective but not you could wear people down. In effect the high priestess might end up being worth say an extra 6000 hp.

That would reduce the effectiveness of the offensive ally's as well...but it wouldn't change things vs monsters...and it would make the game faster:)
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby Deckard » Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:43 pm

I know that money isnt an issue at higher level but what about increasing the money given by guardians?

12 gems give like 400k at lvl40
Energy refill costs 10gems
Buying 1 energy point potion costs 200k

24 gems give like 160 LP at my lvl
Train 1 con = 30 LP
Buying 1 con = 2000k

Either lower gems cost for money
Either increase obtained money
Either increase gems cost of all the other stuff (and face players' fierce...)
Either replace it by something else like +100% money gain for couple hours/day (energy avoiding grinding.. 'til you refill :twisted:)
Either leave it be..

What d'you think?
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby wolfy42 » Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:39 pm

There is a huge difference in how much money players can get with a full energy refill at higher levels....but even if they were to try and figure out a good ratio it still wouldn't make sense to spend gems for money instead of energy since you get BOTH exp and money by fighting random monsters.

For me a full energy refill is over 100 energy by the time you factor in mushrooms etc......and each energy averages more then 1 million coins. So just to make the coin amount even to what I would get for fighting it would have to be worth 100 million coins (and I would still never even think of purchasing it.)

A better way to figure out how many coins would make sense would be to multiply a normal amount of max energy for that level by the cost of a mist potion and then divide by 2. In that case your still not getting as much but you have money right away which ummmm could be useful for buying dust potions I guess?

Of course at that point you have to factor in that with that much money you could buy a freaking TON of dust potions making buying the full skill point refill even less useful.

Basically in my opinion there is no reason to every buy money with gems...even if they offered 200mill for the cost it would not be worth it because it won't get you the exp that an energy refill gives.

Same goes for the skill point refill pretty much except I would say that it could be useful for one particular fight in the game if you don't want to wait a bit longer (the ultimate boss). Even in that case most players should be able to win without having to use a skill refill bonus from gems.

So I wouldn't waste time trying to rebalance the money from gems's really just not worth it. I'd take out the +30 max skill point item and replace it with a skill point regen item over time (1 skill point per minute sounds good to me) since that is actually semi useful long term. I'd change how the invisibility cloak works so if someone attacks they are visable again till the next day (midnight pacific time), I'd add a natural purse for beating players in the arena not based on how much they have on them post level 50 (still have money be taken if they have it on them, but add the purse as well) and I would add a few more quests that require special skills and abilities to pass along with having individual puzzles or riddles you have to solve to complete them. Have a high regen monster for instance for one quest that requires you to overcome it's h ealing with very high damage. Have another quest that involves defending someone for x rounds meaning you have to survive for say 40 rounds (it doesn'tmatter how much damage you do...and you can't heal as well because it's a no magic zone (great for guardians). Have another quest against zombies that require crit hits to kill them (great for gunners) etc.
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby Knowname » Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:16 pm

wolfy42 wrote:One final word on balance....I think long term it's not as important as multiple classes are needed. If any class is lacking in my opinion it's the shooters but the damage boost you get from the class is better in some ways the the damage boost from the wizard class (crit bonus is universal for melee and skills)

ButbutbutBUT the one problem I have here is criticals can be blocked ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!! meaning, with a block, no, you don't get any atk power bonus, no, you don't get any magic atk bonus, no you don't get any critical bonus!! You get nothing and the defender (usually a warrior of coarse) simply wins. I ask you, HOW CHEAP IS THAT??!! In my opinion everybody should have some sort of bonus in every situation. Not just Warriors, this goes against the very definition of GAME BALANCE.

I will say this though, being a gunslinger makes it MUCH easier too fight random battles than as a mage. When I'm a mage i hadn't been able to perfect the art of pressing (auto)attack and just changing the tab knowing the battle would go my way. As a mage the battle does not ALWAYS go your way... regretfully. What I'm saying is... I like atk bonuses :). BUT I do NOT like atk bonuses when they are BLOCKED WTF is up there???
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby Gwynbleidd » Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:54 pm

Another bank upgrade would be nice, adding 5 more item slots! and a Inventory upgrade for another 5 slots!
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Re: Official Suggestions Box

Postby wolfy42 » Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:59 am


In some ways the ranged bonus to crit is better then the mage bonus because it is more versatile and you get the effect just as often as a mage.

The mage gets a fixed bonus to damage...which happens every time he is not blocked.

The ranger gets a fixed bonus to crit that happens every time he is not blocked.

There are two main differences though. The mage bonus only works when using skills (not important in pvp though) and the ranged bonus does not average as much of a boost unless you reach a 100% crit chance (which I don't know..but doubt is possible).

Of the support skills though the ranger has the only offensive support skill...and the combo of a ranger class with a ranger support skill initially wielding a enchanted staff (and having a high magic skill/int) is probably the most offensive in the game. In order to do that you need to have a 40 gun skill and a magic skill equal to your level to maximize your damage.

You could go with just having the great wizard over all magic bonus, enchanted weapon and just have enough gun levels to get aim for the crit bonus...that might be almost as good.

It's too bad there is no 20% crit boosting item we can buy though heh...that would really make things a bit more interesting. I think it's weird we have such a defensive item (20% block) but no offensive item to compensate.
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